Return / refund Policy
Refund policy
Lost/Damaged Package & Missing Items Process
Your shipment must be inspected within 48 hours for damage or missing items, and LSA must be notified immediately via email. If we do not receive prompt notice of damage or missing items within 48 hours of receipt, the customer accepts responsibility for the condition and contents of the package.
Please contact us at to initiate the process of locating your package, handling any damaged materials claims, or sending out missing items.
We have a 15-day return policy, which means you have 15 days after receiving your item to request a return. Please note that a 20% restocking fee may apply and will be assessed on a per-order basis.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the condition in which it was received, unused, able to be resold, any protective material intact when applicable, and shipped back in its original packaging. The customer listed on the invoice must provide proof of purchase and receive approval of the return.
To initiate a return, please contact us at If your return is accepted, we’ll send you a notification and next steps. Items returned without approval will not be accepted nor refunded. Please note that returns are covered at the customer's expense and must be sent to the following address:
SnS Specialties Returns
7245 Hwy 182 ,
Morgan City, LA. 70380
Exceptions / Non-returnable Items
Certain types of items cannot be returned, such as custom products, digital goods, gift cards, equipment (*unless the subject of an approved warranty claim), or close out/clearance items. Preordered items are subject to a 5% cancellation fee. Please get in touch if you have questions or concerns about your specific item.
The most efficient process for an exchange is to have your return approved, return the item as described above, then make a separate purchase for the new item.
If Order is a Return:
Once your return has been approved, received, and inspected for confirmation of condition, you will receive a notification and refund on the original payment method within 10 business days. Please remember that it may take your banking institution up to FIVE business days to reflect the refund on your account. If more than 15 business days have passed since we’ve approved your refund, please contact us at and we will promptly seek resolution of the matter.
If Order Has Not Yet Been Fulfilled:
If, at any time prior to fulfillment, a customer requests a cancellation of the order, LSA will issue the cancellation and refund on the original payment method promptly. Please remember that it may take your banking institution up to FIVE business days to reflect the refund on your account. If more than 15 business days have passed since we’ve approved your refund, please contact us at and we will promptly seek resolution of the matter. Please Note: Preordered items are subject to a 5% cancellation fee.